Vidyodaya School, a co-educational English medium school which follows the CBSE syllabus, started functioning in 1990, under the management of Vidyodaya Educational and Charitable Trust. Established in 1990, the school conducts classes from LKG to XII. The sprawling 12 acre campus situated on a hillock comprises the Nursery block, the Primary, Secondary & Science blocks, which altogether accommodate more than 2000 students. The Science, Maths and Computer labs, the Conference Hall operational with the latest in the educational technology, and the newly introduced Virtual Classrooms accelerate the teaching learning activities. It offers education from LKG to Grade 12. Education is imparted in English . However, a three-language method is adopted in all classes, with a focus on Sanskrit.
Vidyodaya Nursery
Vidyodaya Nursery is for specific developmental needs of the child are addressed in a socially co-operative and non-competitive environment. It follows particular student teacher ratio which enables the teachers to have an intimate understanding of each student’s strengths and needs and fosters a warm and trustworthy relationship with their students.The play park, sandpit, toy room, bus library, splash pool, computer and LCD aided teaching and activity areas offer a vibrant learning environment and develops in the child a taste for school life and makes schooling an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.
Vidyodaya School Facilities
- Staffrooms
- Transport
- Sports and Games
- Labs
- Computer Labs
- Library
- Cultural Activities
- Sports Complex
- Canteen
- Clubs
- Open Class Room
- Smart Classes
Admission Details
Admissions are given restricting the number of students to 30 in each class.
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